Consumer Welfare Fund



Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs (CA) Department Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram  


   Guidelines and Rules for seeking  financial assistance fromConsumer Welfare Fund




                 The overall objective of the Consumer Welfare Fund is to provide financial assistance to promote and protect the welfare of the consumers and strengthen the Voluntary Consumer movement in the State particularly in the rural areas.

Procedure for applying for Financial assistance

                The applicant, who is desirous to seek financial assistance from the Consumer Welfare Fund, is required to apply in the prescribed proforma (Form -A) provided in the Rules governing Kerala Consumer Welfare Fund, 2007. The application should be addressed to

The Member Secretary, 
Consumer Welfare Fund Committee,
(Director of Civil Supplies), 
Commissionerate of Civil Supplies,

             The applicant should furnish annual reports and audited statements of accounts for the last 3 years, separately for each year, list of members and other information as required under the Consumer Welfare Fund Rules. He will be required to furnish photocopies of all documents attached with application duly attested by a gazetted officer of the State Government. The audited accounts statements of the Organization must bear the registration number and official seal stamp of the Chartered Accountant. The applications should be submit the Member Secretary after vetting and scrutinizing by the concerned District Collector. The Collector may note his remarks on the application form that on the following reasons, this application is forwarded to Government for consideration.      


(a)    .....................................

(b)   ............................... ....  

(c)  ............................... etc.



The following are eligible for assistance:­


1.  Any agency organization engaged in the Consumer Welfare Activities voluntarily for a period of three years and registered under the Companies Act. 1956 (1 of 1956) or under any law for the time being in force. 
2. Village/ Panchayat/ Municipal/ Corporation level co-operatives of consumers especially of women, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, who has been working in the field of Consumer Protection for a period of three years.  
3. Any industry as defined in the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947) which has been engaged in viable and useful research activities for a period of 5 years which has made, or is likely to make, significant contribution in formulation of standard mark of the products of mass consumption. 
 4. State Government for Consumer Welfare Activities.

 Extent of Assistance

                   The total quantum of assistance on an individual application will not exceed Rs. 1 lakhs. Assistance will be limited to 90% of the approved cost.However, in exceptional cases, 100% assistance can be considered. The quantum of assistance will be decided by Committee constituted under Rule 5 of the Consumer Welfare Fund Rules. Preference will be given to organizations having an all India character and those working in rural areas and having larger participation of women.


The financial assistance will be given mainly for the following purposes:


(1) Production and distribution of literature and audio-visual material for spreading consumer literacy and awareness building programmes for consumer education.   
(2) Setting up facilities for training and research in Consumer education and related matter on national regional basis;
(3) Community based rural awareness projects;
(4) Setting up of complaint handling/ counselling/ guidance mechanisms like Consumer  Guidance Bureau;
(5) Setting up of Consumer Product Testing Laboratories.
(6) Building up infrastructural facilities for organizing consumer education activities on a permanent basis at the District Taluk level;
(7) For purposes indicated in Rule 8 of the Consumer Welfare Fund Rules; and
(8) The projects not covered by the above, but in the opinion of the Standing Committee, can tackle pressing social problems and maximize consumer welfare.



The following items may also quality for assistance: ­


Construction of building excluding staff quarters
Purchase of equipment Purchase of furniture
Charges for delivery of services
Other charges as may be considered necessary by the Standing Committee for the proper running of the programme project
 Note: Payment of salaries of staff on recurring basis will not be considered as a general rule but appointment of some trained/ professional staff as an integral part of the project may be considered in deserving cases for a limited period. However, such expenditure should not exceed 15 % of the total project cost and may be considered depending on the nature of the project. The expenses for monitoring the project should meet from the Fund.

Terms and Conditions

 1. The Fund should not be used for party or political propaganda. 
2. The Scheme of the project should be submitted to Government.
3. Quarterly reports of the progress/ implementation of the project should be submitted to the State Government regularly.
4. The Organization shall maintain a record of all assets acquired wholly and presented before the authority if and when necessary.
3. The Chairman of the Committee should monitor the implementation of the project of the applicants compulsorily and report to Government

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